What does it mean to be a tenant advocate?
While your first exp with housing injustice was likely while you were yet a baby. Your first memory of housing injustice is when your mommy couldn’t afford rent on the West side of Indy. Evicted.
Indiana Evictions and Foreclosure Dashboard
The Polis Center, drawing on its expertise in research and data analysis, has created a user-friendly online tool to help people in Indiana understand evictions and their impact on communities.
What are Evictions?
In the United States, eviction is a legal process that landlords use to force tenants out of their rental homes. For tenants, eviction is more than just a legal process—it's a devastating experience with profound social and economic consequences.
Op/Ed: I learned why Indianapolis' eviction rate is so high and what we can do to fix it.
Evictions are often seen as individual, personal failures. What I learned from teaching this class was that evictions are a societal and systemic failure, not an individual one. Our society does not provide the most basic conditions for people to survive and thrive.