“Tenants' unions are building, neighborhood, city and sometimes statewide organizations made up of and led by renters themselves to fight for their collective interests and rights.”


tenants association handbook

Produced by LATU - Los Angeles Tenants Union.

tenants union

Short flyer explaining what tenant unions are and what some of the things they can achieve.

Tenants Unions Are How We Win in the South

Shelterforce article

“Tenant organizing has the power to transcend culture wars and break down the artificial barriers that have been placed between us.”

Autonomous Tenants Union Network (ATUN)

The Autonomous Tenants Union Network (ATUN-RSIA) is a North American collaborative of tenant unions who have chosen to remain independent of nonprofits, big foundations, and government funding in order to build power that is responsive to and led by tenants.”

What is a Tenants Union?

Guide produced by Tenants Together - California’s Statewide Organization for Renters Rights

Tenants Council Organizing Guide

Guide written and published by DSA.

A Quick Guide To Tenants Unions In The U.S.

Guide compiled by the abolitionnotes.org, a free and evolving, volunteer-run education project.